Data for Train-Test Experiments

The easiest way to configure data for a train-test experiment is to use the crossfolder and register it as a dataSet, as in the first example in the train-test evaluator section.

However, sometimes you need to prepare one or more data sets externally and register them for with the train-test evaluator. An individual train-test pair can be registered by specifying their YAML files:

dataSet {
    trainSource 'train.yml'
    testSource 'test.yml'

However, when generating many train-test splits this can be quite cumbersome.

Under the Hood

The LensKit crossfolder communicates with the train-test evaluator by generating a YAML file that pulls together all of the train-test data, along with any other data, into a single file describing a set of data sets. This file looks like:

name: DataSetName
- train: training-data-1.yml
  test: test-data-1.yml
- train: training-data-2.yml
  test: test-data-2.yml

The train and test keys can either be the names of files containing data manifests, or they can be the actual data manfest itself as a YAML object.

In addition to train and test, individual data sets can have an entity_types key identifying one or more entity types that will be used as the user’s test data. The default is rating; this key can either have a string naming a single type, or an array of type names.

If you have one of these files, you can add it directly as a data set in a train-test evaluation:

dataSet 'data-set.yml'

Single Set Case

If the collection of data sets only has a single train-test pair, the datasets list is not required:

name: DataSetName
train: training-data.yml
test: test-data.yml

Additional Settings

In addition, the train-test specification can have the following keys:


A boolean; set to true to instruct LensKit to operate on each data set separately. This can reduce memory consumption for large data sets.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""