Running Train-Test Evaluations

Once you have your script configured and have prepared some data, you can actually run a LensKit evaluation over it. The train-test evaluator takes a set of train-test splits, usually produced by the crossfolder, and runs a set of algorithms over them.

Evaluations are controlled by the TrainTest Gradle task; you can configure it like so:

/* Run the LensKit evaluation */
task evaluate(type: TrainTest, group: 'evaluate') {
    description 'Runs the LensKit evaluation.'

    dataSet crossfold

    outputFile "$buildDir/eval-results.csv"
    userOutputFile "$buildDir/eval-users.csv"

    algorithm 'PersMean', 'algorithms/pers-mean.groovy'
    algorithm 'ItemItem', 'algorithms/item-item.groovy'
    algorithm 'Custom', 'algorithms/custom.groovy'

    predict {
        outputFile "$buildDir/predictions.csv.gz"
        metric 'rmse'
        metric 'ndcg'
    recommend {
        listSize 10
        metric 'mrr'

Input Data

The input data sets for the evaluation are specified using dataSet directives. The common way to do this is by mentioning the Crossfold task as a dataSet; this automatically configures the evaluation to run on the train-test pairs produced by the crossfold task, and enrolls the crossfold task as a dependency for the train-test task so that Gradle will make sure to run them in the correct order.

You can also specify manually-created train-test splits, using data manifests:

dataSet {
    trainSource 'train.yml'
    testSource 'test.yml'

Output Files

The output files are specified by the following options:


The aggregate output file, with one row per combination of data set and algorithm.


Detailed user-level statistics, such as the RMSE for each test user. If omitted, no such output is produced.

The evaluator can also output the predictions and recommendations generated; these options are discussed below.


Algorithms are specified using the algorithm directive. The algorithms themselves are defined in Groovy files, using the [configuration language](../../basics/configuration). Each algorithm should be named:

algorithm 'PersMean', 'algorithms/pers-mean.groovy'

If no name is specified, the name is derived from the file name.

Multiple algorithms can be defined in a single Groovy file by means of algorithm blocks. If the Groovy file contains no algorithm block, then the entire file defines a single algorithm; otherwise, each algorithm block defines an algorithm.

This can be used to implement things like parameter sweeps. For example, you could write the following in a file item-item-nbr-sweep.groovy:

for (n in [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100]) {
    algorithm("ItemItem") {
        bind ItemScorer to ItemItemScorer
        bind (BaselineScorer, ItemScorer) to UserMeanItemScorer
        bind (UserMeanBaseline, ItemScorer) to ItemMeanRatingItemScorer
        bind UserVectorNormalizer to BaselineSubtractingUserVectorNormalizer
        set NeighborhoodSize to n
        attributes["NNbrs"] = n

This will define 14 instances of the item-item collaborative filtering algorithm with different neighborhood sizes. You can then use it in your build.gradle:

task evaluate(type: TrainTest) {
    /* ... options ... */
    // no name is needed when using algorithm blocks
    algorithm 'item-item-nbr-sweep.groovy'
    /* ... more options ... */

The attributes map contains attributes for each algorithm. Attributes are included as columns in the evaluator’s output files and can be used to distinguish different configurations when analyzing the output. This setup is good for plotting the recommender’s performance as a function of the neighborhood size.

Tasks and Metrics

In addition to algorithms and input data, the evaluator needs to know what to measure. This is handled by evaluation tasks, each of which can have metrics. The two tasks currently supported are predict, which attempts to predict the ratings in the test set(s), and recommend, which produces recommendations for each test user and compares them against their test ratings.

It usually only makes sense to have one predict task in an evaluation, but multiple recommend tasks can be used to measure the output of recommendations produced with different settings for the list length, candidate items, etc.

Each task supports an outputFile option that specifies an output file for the raw output (recommendations or predictions). The metric directive adds a metric to the task.


The predict task has no additional options other than its metrics.


The recommend task, in addition to metrics, supports some further options:


The length of recommendation lists to compute. Specify -1 to compute unlimited-length lists.


A prefix to apply to the column headers for the measurements taken in this task. Useful so that you can apply the same measurements to different recommendation lists.


The set of items to use as candidate items for recommendation. Defaults to allItems.


A set of items to exclude from recommendation. Defaults to null, using the default exclude set for the configured recommender; this is typically equivalent to user.trainItems, but may be different for custom ItemRecommender implementations.

See ItemRecommender#recommend(long,int,Set,Set) for more details on the relationship between the candidate and exclude sets.

Each of the sets is specified as a Groovy expression evaluated in the context of an item select script. The expression has access to information about the tested user as user, the set of all item IDs as allItems, and some additional helper methods. Expressions can be used to write a variety of interesting selectors; for example, to recommend from the user’s test items plus 100 random decoys, use a candidateItems expression of:

user.testItems + pickRandom(allItems - user.trainItems, 100)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""